Low Vision Therapy

With low vision therapy, Magnify helps adults with central field loss, peripheral field loss, contrast and/or glare sensitivities. 

The leading cause of blindness and low vision in the United States is primarily age-related eye diseases. Inherited degenerative eye diseases can also cause severe vision impairment.

Low Vision Rehab

With low vision rehab, we help individuals with visual impairments make the most of their remaining vision and enhance their overall quality of life. Low vision refers to a significant visual impairment that cannot be fully corrected with standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. If you are having  difficulty performing everyday tasks, such as reading, writing, or recognizing faces, then we are here to help. Common symptoms can be: 

  • Glare sensitivity or halos around light sources

  • Difficulty with detail vision

  • Blurred vision

  • Depth perception issues

  • Missing words or lines while reading

  • Difficulty recognizing faces

  • Difficulty with object identification around the home

  • Light adaptation difficulty (e.g. going from indoors to outdoors)

  • Color differentiation problems

  • Difficulty seeing at night

Adults with visual impairments are 2x more likely to experience a fall.

Saftari, L.N., Kwon, OS. Ageing vision and falls: a review. Journal of Physiological Anthropology

Low Vision Stories

When Your Vision Isn’t Fully Functional

Being told you have 20/20 vision does not always mean you have full functional vision. We spend time evaluating over 15 different visual and perceptual skills to get a complete understanding of what is interfering with your independence.

Don’t suffer in silence!